Marche Funèbre in E Flat Major

· Dr. Soukkou Youcef

Lilac, my dear

I have painted images of us

In a garden

Like Adam & Eve

You were delightful and gorgeous

A light breeze blew your hair back

Your eyes glittered like the Pleiades

I sat down powerless against them

And I watched Time play my favourite movie, You.

I’ve talked about contrast, contradictions and art

Yet, I struggle to capture your essence

Maybe, one day, I’ll play the piano for you

Maybe we’ll have our souls melt together

Maybe I’ll wake you up in the morning.

Maybe, I’ll get to stare into your eyes again, unbothered by time

Maybe, a walk ?

Maybe, a billion hugs

Maybe, dying in the same place and time, together .

Tonight, no Wine, no Beer, no Whiskey

Tonight, I will hug my misery

I will be her lover

We never hugged each other, Lilac

Peu importe

I hugged you everytime I thought of you.