My Expirements With Psychoactive Drugs
Let’s get things straight
I don’t recommend the use of any type of psycho-active drug whatever it is. Unless it was under strict medical and professional supervision (lol). I strongly advise against the use of THC in strong doses especially for people with a personal/family history of psychiatric disorders.
Why pschyo-active drugs aren’t what people think
Most people frown upon just the idea of ‘using drugs’. To them, it relegates a person to the depths of sinful animals and low lifes. In truth, the massive world-wide propaganda machine did that. Governements always were strict against these molecules because it’s been in their interest to do so. What people who control people need is an obediant herd of sheep who are productive and don’t question anything, not even their mere existence. There’s also an economic reason for the banning of these molecules. It’s because the deep state could resort to the black market to sell them instead. That way, they could also gain massive profits by over-pricing a commodity they made people believe is rare and dangerous and hard to find and carries massive risks (naturally that boosts the profit margin for something that could be worth 1000 less if it were a simple legal commodity). It’s genius marketing.
Imagine for instance ‘coffee’. It’s active ingerdient ‘caffeine’ is a psychoactive drugs, a ’nootropic’ which is beneficial for many people, it increases awareness, alertness, it tastes good and it helps from a cognitive standpoint. It’s addictive as well as dangerous in high doses. But, it’s perfectly legal, weird isn’t it? I just described a drug to you in the most objective manner possible. If you are a coffee fan you’d be fuming right now at how ridiculious my claims are. But then, I challenge you to stop drinking it for a week without feeling like a meth addict, or without having massive cravings, or withdrawal symptomps. You might say, well, coffee is a natural substance made by god, surely it’s harmless compared to drugs, right?
Wrong again, cocaine is extracted from coca leaves (a plant), heroine and morphine come from opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) which is also a natural plant, weed comes from a naturally occuring plant, and list is endless.
The truth is, everything is relative. We are all suseptible to propaganda of those in control. Whatever serves their interests is what they make people believe is good or bad or evil.
Alcohol is perfectly legal because you can make a lot of fucking money off of it even without the need to ban it and go to the black market to fatten up your profit margins nicely. It’s so damn addictive you might as well sell it in plain day light, just like coffee, alcoholics aren’t just gonna stop drinking. Same with cigarettes and the tobaco industry in general.
It’s strange to me how the average person absorbs like a spong whatever marketing propaganda is thrown at them without the least miniscule amount of critical thinking.
We all have been that person, some of us still are. That’s why i wanted to share my personal experience with psychoactive drugs. From THC, MDMA, benzodiazepines, anti-depressants, alcohol, nicotine, pregabaline, anti-psychotics and even some anti-histamines. I’ll try to report my own subjective experiences under each drug as clearly as I can. And I will put a tier list at the end classifying them.
THC (trans-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol)
Commonly known as Weed or Hash or Keef or anything else pretty much. It’s a cannabinoid extracted from a plant called Marijuana or cannabais. But most commonly the plant itself is smoked as a psychoactive drug. I’ve had plenty of experiences with it, most of them if not all were extremely pleasant. Its effects on consciousness start after just 5-7 min after inhalation and they can last 48 hours for someone new to the drug. THC binds to (mostly G-coupled) cannabinoid receptors in the CNS. It’s a highly subjective feeling since most receptors are located in the cortex. And each human has their own cortex. It’s a social drug that enhances the feeling of social interactions, makes the stupidest things imaginable funny as hell, and sort of puts people in the same frequency, suddenly you can understand and relate to anything anyone in front of you is saying no matter what it is. For me, it made me extremely more creative and I would just either write idiotic poetry or try to decipher the meaning of music. I had multiple cases of synesthesia where I could taste music, or hear colors, etc. It made me go full blown metaphorical and abstract in my way of thinking. It’s a great molecule which is garanteed to give you another perspective on life and the way you think, for someone stuck on their subjective lense all the time, it can definitely shift that perspective. It also makes you eat anything, and i mean anything, bread suddenly starts tasting like honey, it makes you extremely hungry. So you better have a lot of snacks before you do THC. Colors are more, life seems it has more to it, every idea makes your brain link it to everything and all things seem onnected. It’s an inner peace molecule if used in moderate doses in a safe social setting. It becomes a different animal when used with tobacco (god help you if you do it the first time). With nicotine it gets a little weird, you start focusing on the smallest of things, you tend to see everything and know everything. But for me, it also cause some motor discoordination when i upped the dose. THC made me want to have fun and laugh more. It took off my social anxiety completely. I was more engaged with people up to the point of finding the most idiotic conversations engaging and fun. I wish it didn’t fuck up my hard logic gates and cognition so I could use it everyday to become a normal human like the rest of the world. But i definitely undertand now why artists use it. It also stimulates the language center of the brain, hence why I was writing on it non-stop. it’s a 9/10 drug. Definitely recommend in social settings.
MDMA (known as molly, halwa, ecstacy)
Highly addictive meth-like piece of shit and too good to be that good without a compromise. It depletes all your dopamine and serotonin reserves so you better not tie a noose around your neck and kill yourself the next day when you wake up. I took some once from an ambulance driver when I was an intern. It made me alert and feeling all warm inside, it’s hard to describe but it was the only time of my life where I craved being with someone rather than alone. It’s a party hard drug. You take it to push yourself to the end of brain pleasure. You start swimming in your own neuro-transmitter heaven and you better not drown. It increases heat production, blood pressure. High doses can lead to stroke or even worst, death. Overall it’s super fun, it allowed me to go through a night shift like it was nothing, but I was agitated and depressed the next morning and that was a horrific fucking feeling. 4/10 drug because of the suicide risk and the high addictiveness. I definitely do not recommend using it. Unless you’re a nazi soldier in the eastern front killing jews.
Benzodiazepines (Xanax and the like)
I’ve taken so many benzos throughout my life being the neurotic piece of shit that I am. So you can guess that I like these motherfuckers and my assessment won’t be that real, or close to the reality of things. In short, they make you feel everything is alright. Remember sleeping in your moms arms in a cold winter night as a kid and feeling safe? That’s what a 10mg pill of Tranxene is like. Just absolute bliss. Obviously, they help with acute anxiety like nothing else. Social anxiety becomes a joke, PTSD becomes a joke. They reframe your state of mind to such an extreme that you start laughing at your own worries. Solid 8/10 drug in my opinion. I took the 2 points off because benzos are addictive as fuck and you build a tolerance over time if you take them like an uneducated animal. THe withdrawal also is brutal, you could die by suddenly stopping to take them. So, in total, they are useful in medical psychiatry under strict use time limits and under supervision of a professional. A drug to keep for a rainy day definitely.
Anti-depressants(TCAs and SSRIs)
Boring class, but very helpful in severe depression imo. Especially TCAs given in a hospital setting as an IV drip. They are, like every other largely used medical drugs : BORING. it seems like the only criteria the FDA looks at for whether to approve a molecule for pharmaceutical use is ‘It has to be dull’. TCA cause orthostatic hypotention which sucks ass, because if you stand up too fast you’ll pass out. They cause tachycardia (anticholinergique effects) and sleepiness (central histamine receptor antagonists) which is something to look for in a patient who works risky jobs. 6/10 drugs, they helped me in the past and still do, thanks TCAs.
Takes the edge off, relaxing and warm. Say goodbye to your overthinking brain when you drink it. Anxiolytic, hypnotic and socially it can be quite good. Overall, it sucks because it’s addictive and causes liver cirroses and various cancers. Your risk overdosing which leads to respiratory failure especially if you mix it with benzos or opioids. I definitely do not recommend using it. There is also the religious argument against it, and endless stories of drunk idiots either harming themselves or others. As someone who likes his brain, turning it off with alcohol is a good and a bad thing, it doesn’t solve issues at all, just hides them under the rug for another day. 5/10 drug.
It’s a nootropic drug which means it enhances cognitive abilities, it’s weird at first, it causes peripheral tingling and feelings of nausea sometimes (it depends on the type of cigarette). It’s useless as hell, TV propaganda and commercials made it seem cool and hip and badass, but in truth it’s just weird and addictive and you end up feeling more stressed when you run out of cigs in the middle of the night and you’re freaking out because you can’t sleep. Joe rogan described it as a demon, i coun’t agree more. It’s a little annoying demon that if you introduce in your life, you’d start noticing that people don’t like sitting next to you because you smell like a tobaco field. Of course we need not mention it’s carcinogenic properties (lung cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer … etc). Overall, 2/10, useless and sticky. Don’t try it.
Pregabaline(Lyrica, saroukh)
It’s good shit, I had one experience taking it. It kicked in in about 10-15 mins. It was like the limitless pill. My vision cleared, I started to see better, think about things in parallel, I was memorizing sewer pipe cover numbers on the road for some reason. I suddenly felt passion to do my hobbies again (mathematics, physics, astronomy). I felt my body making more heat and i drank some caffeine to boost the effect even more. I could walk all day, every painful point in my body went away (explains why this stuff works well for diabetic neuropathy). Whatever i was doing was 10x easier and more engaging. I played for hours on the PS4 while feeling like it was my first time playing video games. I was also smoking like a fucking soviet 60s era jet fighter. It lasted for hours and hours (its half life if 7 hours roughly). The day went like a breeze. It’s a productivity drug, definitely 9/10. It made me feel like a passionate curious child again. I could read people, social contact was easier because I could know in 2 sec what the other person was thinking. It doesn’t make you feel overconfident like people usually describe it. It made me agile and clear about what to do and I wanted to plan things for the first time in my life. Wonderful molecule with a catch, addictive and relatively expensive for a daily habit. Luckily, i didn’t feel like I need it everyday, It’ll blow your brain apart like an overclocked CPU melting down if you use it like the morons do. But it has its time.
anti-psychotics and anti-histamines
No noticeable effects using anti-psychotics (anti-dopaminergics) except from some dry mouth and lack of interest in things, which is useful if you wanna make someone become catatonic. 0/10 drugs, except in medical use for psychosis and other conditions where these drugs work well. Antihistamines are sometimes psychoactive, but the correct word to describe them is ‘hallucinogenic’, all they did to me was give me nightmares of a dragon roasting me alive. And i’d see shit that wasn’t there, like a shadow or an object moving. It can be fun to use them as a joke but I definitely do not recommend them with THC since they will put you in the psych ward easily. 4/10.