NGC 7009

· Dr Soukkou Youcef

What does good music mean without you

I am not lonely

I just feel cold

I have all this theory

But what does it mean without you

I would have named our daughter, Lilly

What would you have named her?

She would have had your eyes

I’m not sure I can take all that beauty

I once imagined myself crying on your grave

It was devastating, I shaterred like a piece of obsidian

I listened to S.T.A.Y.

And felt a sword pierce through my will to survive

It scared me, much like time dilation does

I don’t wanna grow up

Unless maybe, Lilly calls me papa one day

I look through my telescope, night after night

Declination, right acension, degrees of arc

Apparent magnitude, degrees of solitude

I sympathize with the galaxies

They must feel so lonely

Torn apart forever by dark energy

I wish I could befriend them

It feels so unfair to gaze at their beauty

Without offering any love