Pondering Our Foolish Ways of Existence

· Dr. Soukkou Youcef
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History teaches us a lot about human nature, What’s more interesting ‘in my opinion’ about it, is that we can sort of ’extrapolate’ from past trends in behaviour to reach or ‘approximate’ a mathematical solution applied to how current trends might turn out.
It’s no wonder that we, collectively, as a species have been foolish, ignorant, evil, and selfish many times. But, despite our shortcomings, we did a lot of good, and we achieved a lot. One could be drawn to contemplate what ‘works’ vs what ‘does not work’ in generating useful, prosperous ways of thinking, and of conducting our collective ‘self’. Ethical dilemmas, pivotal points in history almost always lead to a more enlightened version of us. We will take wrong turns in the future, together, that’s almost guaranteed. The idea is, to always be on the lookout for errors we might commit. Be like a collective self-correcting, self-learning organism, just like we always were.
We are not always efficient at it, but despite that, we learned, the hard way or the easy way, how to avoid catastrophic consequences. The sad thing is that we learned that through extravagant, blind and fallacious self-confidence and idiotic trial & error.
Let’s look at the ‘Green House Effect’ as an example. We, are dumping massive amounts of carbon dioxide into our own fragile, thin atmosphere. An action that wasn’t done artificially before. Climate scientists have almost always agreed on the nature of the consequences of such an increase of CO2 on our planet, gradual warming due to increased radiation absorption by the CO2 molecules would lead to melting the poles, rising sea levels and mass ‘climate-induced’ famine, mass migration and economic collapse of the entire global civilization. Not to mention the terrible loss of millions of lives.
We don’t know for sure whether that will happen, but, we can extrapolate from existing data to anticipate our future if we continue to conduct ‘business as usual’ and hide the facts under the rug, the ‘rug’ here is a metaphor for the classic ‘when absence of evidence is regarded as evidence of absence. You might ask, from where could we possibly obtain non-debatable evidence to support our predictions? Luckily, just around the corner is a planet called ‘Venus’, it is roughly the same size as Earth, but it’s much closer to the sun, its atmosphere is highly corrosive due to the presence of sulfuric acid, it also contains +96% supercritical CO2 and is immensely dense (The density of the air at the surface is 65 kg/m3, 93 times that of earth’s atm density). And the result of all of that natural yet unfortunate set of conditions? Well, a runaway greenhouse effect is enough to raise surface temperatures to melt lead (867°F, 464°C). Our beloved atmosphere will definitely go in a similar direction to that of Venus’. It’s just a question of ‘When’ and ‘How much’ CO2 it needs. In the words of Elon Musk “We are running the stupidest experiment in human history”. In my words, I think the guy who came up with the saying " Don’t shit where you eat " was wise. We are shitting where we eat, live, breathe,and exist. We should collectively be wiser, and more conscious of the situation and stop ourselves from destroying ourselves just at the moment when we’re finally ready and able to set sail in space.