Quick Abstractions on Clorazepate

· Dr. Soukkou Youcef

I’m a robot

The usual type

Sunsets make me think of endings

Those orange hazes remind me of Titan

Cold and distant

Just like Titan

The Xanax sits in

It tells me to be cool

Cool despite the storm

Lines of white powder go endlessly

At the edge of a blade

I remain silent despite my mania

I chose to think about thinking

Loops are fun

Exactly like how you would imagine them

Freedom is an illusion

Your brain craves my dopamine

Sadly, I hate dopamine

I prefer frying my limbic system

On thoughts of melancholy

Nothing makes sense in your world

So I chose to live in mine instead

Hope is fleeting

Towards the future it goes

It hates loops, and poets

As much as it hates death

How would you explain your programming to a boy of 5?

Unless you dig deep

Deep in your own programming

It never scares me to be in a moment of doubt

Doubt is my friend

I have few friends

I belong to the cosmos

And that’s my freedom

It’s an honor to be written by you

Dear God.