The Day I Laughed for No Reason

· Anonymous lol

It was a nice early November night, I got in my room after a shitty day playing doctor as an intern in pediatrics. A long day filled with babys crying, mothers worrying, screaming, a 90 min lecture that should’ve been 15 min long and lastly, lack of sleep the previous night. My brain was immediately thinking of the coffee & cig combo to relax, I resisted the thoughts at first, but then went on to get my two plant-based poisons. At the time I didn’t know that coffee beans and Tobaco leaves would not be my two poisons of the day.

The weather was kinda cold, but not super cold. I had dinner later on. Friends nearby were playing loud but ‘good’ music and I thought I’d go there to drive the evil spirits I picked up from the hospital out of my body. I was in for a treat, the boys were smoking weed, good fucking quality weed, the stuff that makes you cough up your lungs after one hit. We had no fancy bongs or glassware, Instead, pure craftsmanship from Mr.S let’s call him, In a minute or so, our advanced drug delivery system was finished, I was sitting on a wooden chair looking through the window. I took one hit and immediately my throat felt the THC oils, I coughed for a considerable amount of time, which was good news, because coughing means the weed was good as fuck. Often, there is a feeling of relentless angst getting weed from shady dealers, You could be smoking their grandma’s aches mixed with الحنة instead of what you paid for.

5 mins in, I started to see colors shine more, I was completely inside my head, I was thinking that I’m thinking of ’nothing’. I was hearing people think, but couldn’t comprehend what the fuck was going on at all, I wanted to laugh, which, in seconds, turned from “wanting to laugh” into “hysterical laughing”. We were playing dominos, and I swear I have no idea wtf happened between the scenes, I felt like we transitioned into a cut scene of a video game without pre-text. If you feel that this is terrifying somehow, I can assure you, It wasn’t. I was having a great fucking time. The music tasted good, Or, shall I say, felt good. I was slow as hell, time was passing very very very slowly, It took me seconds to move my hand. I laughed at the way words sounded, I wanted to eat suddenly, anything, paper could be a good food source at that moment. My mouth was drier than the Atacama desert because my salivary glands went on vacation in the middle of my high apparently.
On a cognitive level, my inner thoughts were jumbled up, but not in a random way. I made connections between the most unrelated topics and ideas, I felt like an artist for the first time. I remember making a mental note of how ‘دقلة نور’ was the gayest amongst all types of dates that exist (It sounds funny when you’re high trust me).
Again, my brain’s short term memory took a lunch break and I found myself jumping between cut scenes, suddenly, I’m at the ‘foyer’ eating sweets or something. Then awkwardly bursting into an episode of mildly crazy looking laughter when talking to another friend who wasn’t high and could not understand what the fuck was going on. Anyway, I played it cool while panicking inside about people’s perception of me, I thought I was weird, I probably was acting weird, but not in ways normal people could pick up on, because it all, or mostly, happened inside my head.
As I tried to control my laughter again, I looked at one of my high friends who asked how I was doing in a sarcastic way, I replied literally with “Rahi Tna*et”.
We went for a walk around the university, It was glorious. Music, and the cold dark night all merged in to form an artist’s wet dream. I saw an ambulance in the distance and its blinking lights frequency suddenly matched with a jazz and that was playing. At this point I was completely detached from the group, I lived inside my head, which felt like it had a head of its own.
My motor skills saw my salivary glands and my short term memory taking breaks and thought “I’m taking the day off brother, see ya tomorrow”. I was terrified if i had to do complex movement, like having to run from the police or jumping over a fence of even handling a cup of fucking coffee in my hands.